Anjana Samaj Mahasabha, Mount Abu (Raj) - चतुर्थ आई.ए.एस. प्रतिभा खोज परीक्षा 2024 आवेदन पत्र अंतिम दिन 30 मई 2024
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परिचय पत्र फॉर्म

परिचय पत्र फॉर्म

आजीवन सददस्य

कर्त्तव्यनिष्ठ सेठ श्री हरिभाई चौधरी के ७५ वर्ष पूर्ण होने के उपलक्ष आयोजित सम्मान कार्यक्रम में भी आप सदर आमंत्रित है.

Make Vision

Our vision is our mission and our mission is education and together we all will unite and move our society forward in education.

Become A Volunteer

Volunteer with ease. Life-changing moments start here. A complete change of heart. Philanthropy has taken to the next level.


If you want to become a sponsor for betterment of society, for a efficient management of Anjana samaj please do contact us or mail us .

Our Vision

Management Committee

Shri Virajibhai Jundal

पूर्व प्रमुख

(Palanpur – Gujarat Year 2018 to 2023

Shri Haribhai Chaudhary

पूर्व प्रमुख

(Ahmedabad-Gujarat) Year - 2007 to 2011

Shri Jogaram Chaudhary


(Jodhpur-Rajasthan) Year - 2018 to 2023

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A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

Hurricane Irma has devastated Florida

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

Hurricane Irma has devastated Florida

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia.

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